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Rumor on Chris Jericho Being Knocked Out on His Own Cruise Ship

Chris Jericho’s name trended just before AEW Worlds End, and it unfolded in a manner he likely never desired. Harsh allegations are surfacing about Jericho, prompting speculation about the number of untold stories. Now, people who knew him well, like Jim Cornette, are chiming in.

Chris Jericho was not on AEW television this week, nor was he seen during the Rampage tapings. After all, his presence brought chants of “NDA” and “Kylie Rae” from the AEW Worlds End crowd.

During Cornette’s Drive-Thru, Jim Cornette stated quite bluntly how he feels about Chris Jericho after this recent NDA-filled string of allegations. He put it quite well in a simple sentence, and Jericho’s rock star lifestyle is a shoot.

“He appears to think that he is a member of Led Zepplin in the early 70s.”

Brian Last also noted that he heard a story about Chris Jericho getting knocked out during one of his Rock n Wrestling Ragers at Sea. He couldn’t go into the story much, but he did let it out there that it happened.

Man, there is a story I would love to tell, but i didn’t get permission, but him getting knocked out on his own cruise ship by someone he mouthed off to. It’s the most incredible f*cking story, but I can’t talk about that today.

This is a very interesting development, and quite topical. After all, the 5th edition of Chris Jericho’s cruise is set to set sail in matter of weeks.

Brian Last went on to say that this all relates to Chris Jericho’s partying lifestyle, where he is a rock n roller through and through, which also includes losing the AEW World Title at a Longhorn Steakhouse after he won it.

After the Kylie Rae allegations broke about Chris Jericho, a clip also resurfaced of Jericho downplaying Vince McMahon’s hush money allegations. That story has much different light to it now. #FireJericho is now trending on social media, which is the last thing Tony Khan needs on a pay-per-view morning.

We will have to see what is next for Chris Jericho, but it doesn’t seem like he is going to change his ways.

What’s your take on Chris Jericho’s allegations? Do you think he should calm down his lifestyle? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

Transcription by Ringside News
